
Web Filter Settings

SafeSearch Search Engines

  The following search engines are supported by Kibosh. These search engines will always be in SafeSearch ON mode (what is SafeSearch). Google Bing DuckDuckGo Yandex All other search engines are blocked by SafeSearch Lock-in which is ON by default (you can turn it off in Dash > Options).

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How to put time limits on apps.

    How to put a time limit on apps / websites: Log into your MyFilter Dashboard Go to Web Filter > Timed Filters Set your Timezone Enter Website to Block Set the repeat Schedule Set your time frame Add Save Filters NOTE: Timed Filters to not work on YouTube – go to Web Filter > Options to enable YouTube SafeMode which is very effective at blocking objectionable content.

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Device Naming

  Kibosh Router / Cloud / 360 owners can manage devices on their networks by doing things like scheduling Internet access times. These rules are assigned to a device’s IP, and if that IP changes the rule will stop working. So, for Parental Control rules to work correctly, long term, you will want to assign a static IP / Name to each device you want to manage. Video: How to assign a name & IP to a device for Parental Controls (2.41m).…

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Kibosh DDNS

  KIBOSH DDNS KiboshDNS customers need to run one of the following DDNS agent plugins to keep your Internet WAN IP in sync with Kibosh servers: Chrome Plugin FireFox Plugin Windows Agent – updated 10/23 With Kibosh you have the power to shape your Internet experience with the ability to block websites, block categories of websites, block websites on a schedule, and whitelist websites. In addition you can choose to receive daily activity logs. However all the a for mentioned…

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How to block a website / app.

  Kibosh subscribers have the option of blocking specific websites or apps. You can make it a permanent block, or schedule it. NOTE: Blocking an app works much like blocking a website. For example, to block the Twitter app you would block twitter.com, and all other sites related to twitter. How to block a website / app: Log into your MyFilter Dashboard Go to Web Filter > Blacklist Enter the last two sections of a website name to block Example:…

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Timed Filters

  With Timed Filters you can block access to specific websites, or the entire Internet on a custom schedule. How to setup a timed filter for a single website: Log into your MyFilter Dashboard Go to Web Filter > Timed Filters Set your timezone. Enter the website to block. Just enter the last portion of the website. Example, to block access to http://www.facebook.com, just enter ‘facebook.com’. Set a daily or weekly schedule. Add. Save Filters. Each timed filter corresponds to one time…

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How to configure a whitelist only Internet.

  Warning! This is an advanced option that will require effort on your part to get working properly. Once properly configured however it’s very effective. How to block access to all websites, and allow only ones you approve. MyFilter: Log into myfilter.kibosh.net or open your Kibosh app: Go to Web Filter > Blacklist Under Block a Website enter one rule for each of the following Top Level Domains (TLDs) .com .net .org .info .biz .edu ….all Top Level Domains you…

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How to read the Daily Internet Activity Report.

  The Kibosh Daily Global Activity Report (DGAR) is delivered to your email daily, and will give you a daily snapshot of all Internet activity for your network within a 24 hour period. DGAR can be enabled / disabled from your Myfilter Dashboard > Web Filter > Options. DGAR can be enabled / disabled for all Kibosh products. DGAR shows all Internet activity for your entire network, but is not device specific. For device specific logs you 1) need to…

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SafeSearch Lock-in

  SafeSearch Lock-in is an option that when enabled prevents the use of all non-SafeSearch enforced search engines. NOTE: SafeSearch Lock-In is enabled by default, so you would need to disable it yourself. How to enable / disable SafeSearch Lock-in: Log into MyFilter (Kibosh 1.0) or Dash (Kibosh 2.0) Go to Web Filter > Options > Enable / Disable SafeSearch Lock-in: SafeSearch enforced search engines: Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, SwissCow, YouTube (optional).

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Internet Security and Parental Controls.

Tales from the blog!