
Tales from the Blog

About the WiFi Schedule

The Kibosh’s WiFi Scheduler is a great tool that gives you the ability to easily turn wireless off each night. Why would we want to do this? 1. To enforce global internet access restrictions. 2. To reduce wifi signal exposure (if you are concerned about that). 3. Added security, wireless networks are a target for hackers and script kiddies. However, turning WiFi off disables Internet for all wireless devices which might not be what you’re after. To turn the Internet…

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Google SafeSearch

If you use Google search, and most of us do, you may have noticed that the search_term_filter, Web Usage Monitor and block_google_images have stopped working on Google recently. This is due to Google systematically enforcing HTTPS on all of their sites, and HTTPS breaks content filtering. With our router firmware v2.0 (now on v3.2.2 – get it here) we could enforce SafeSearch on Google by removing HTTPS so that we could apply URL filtering. We did this using a method…

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New name, same product.

Hello Everyone, We are moving from BUCTools.com to Kibosh.net. Nothing has changed with the web filtering service (outside of Google making changes on their end) and nothing is wrong with the company. We simply had some issues with our hosting provider, and frankly never really liked BUC Tools that much, although I know some of you did. I think the main issue with us (the founders) was that BUC Tools wasn’t our idea, and we looked at it as more…

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Post with Image Preview

This is a normal post with a featured image thumbnail. Photography by Christopher Macquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam in quam odio. In eget porttitor nibh.

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Post with User Comments

This is a post that has some comments by different users. Comments can be nested and will display a gravatar if applicable. Donec vehicula cursus ante, at pulvinar quam mollis quis. Etiam nibh nisl.

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Standard Post Layout

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam in quam odio. In eget porttitor nibh. Integer varius ante id elit mattis blandit. Fusce a mi convallis nisi dictum fringilla. Duis orci nisl.

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Internet Security and Parental Controls.

Tales from the blog!